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 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Apr 20, 2008 8:24 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Si pun pariu ca ai iubit candva
Credeai ca-i jumatatea ta
Si-ai plans o noapte intreaga
Cand a plecat in graba
Simteai ca-i gata viata ta.
Dar de maine toate astea nu vor mai conta
Daca incerci sa spui asa :

Am sa trec si peste asta
Ce va fi, va fi
Am sa strig iar 'Asta-i viata'
E si maine o zi.

Si pun pariu ca ti-ai dorit candva
Ceva ce n-ai putut avea
Si te intrebai cum oare
Doar altii pot sa zboare
S-ajunga ei la steaua ta.

voltaj-de maine \:D/

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Apr 27, 2008 3:07 pm 
Music Expert
Music Expert
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Membru din: Sâm Feb 10, 2007 5:44 pm
Mesaje: 1928
Localitate: Oradea
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Baptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself.

War between him and the day
Need someone to blame
In the end, little he can do alone.

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give.

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak.

Apart from the wandering pack
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare.

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give.

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak.

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak.

Reaching, searching for something untouched
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling.

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak.

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak.

Nightwish - Amaranth

Laulaa mitä kallistuksen sanoa...unohtaa mitä kallistuksen pelata...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Mai 04, 2008 9:04 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Everybody's got something they had to leave behind,
Only regret from yesterday that seems to grow with
There's no use looking back on wondering,
How it could been down on might have been,
O this I know but still I can't find ways to let u know,
I never had a dream come true,
Til the day that I found u,
Even though I pretend that I've moved on you'll
allways be my baby,
I never found the words to say,
You're the one I think about each day,
And I know no matter where life takes me to
a part of me will allways be with u
Somewhere in my memory i've lost a sense of time
And to my world could never be
cause yesterday is all that feels my mind and
there's no use looking on wondering
How it should been now on might a been
O this I know but still I cant find ways to let u
I never had a dream come true till the day that I
found u
Even though I pretend that I moved on you'll
allways be my baby
I Never found the words to say
you're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
a part of me will allways be
You'll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes u will say you will know you'll be there
You'll allways be the one I know I'll never forget
Theres no use looking back On wondering
If this love was just as strange and fun and
No matter how I try and try
I just can't say goodbye
No No No No
I never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found u
Even though I pretend that i've moved on you'll
allways be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one i think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
a part of me will allways be
A part of me will allways be
with u!

S Club 7-I never had a dream come true

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Iun 05, 2008 8:10 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Liceu, - cimitir
Al tineretii mele -
Pedanti profesori
Si examene grele...
Si azi ma-nfiori
Liceu, - cimitir
Al tineretii mele!

Liceu, - cimitir
Cu lungi coridoare -
Azi nu mai sunt eu
Si mintea ma doare...
Nimic nu mai vreu -
Liceu, - cimitir
Cu lungi coridoare...

Liceu, - cimitir
Al tineretii mele -
În lume m-ai dat
În vâltorile grele,
Atât de blazat...
Liceu, - cimitir
Al tineretii mele!

George Bacovia - Liceu :wink:

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Iun 05, 2008 9:39 pm 
Music Expert
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Membru din: Sâm Feb 10, 2007 5:44 pm
Mesaje: 1928
Localitate: Oradea
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
E prima ora din prima zi
E greu fara tine nu pot minti
Tu ai fost totul si puteai fi
E prima vara din primul an
Azi numai ploaia imi bate la geam
Si imi aminteste cat te iubeam

Nu reusesc sa ma desprind
E un univers care vrea sa ma sting
Ma prinde teama si incep sa te strig

E prima noaptea cand imi e frig
Bratele tale nu ma pot incalzii
Un suflet rece eu nu pot iubii

E prima ora din prima zi
E greu fara tine nu pot minti
Tu ai fost totul si puteai fi
E prima vara din primul an
Azi numai ploaia imi bate la geam
Si imi aminteste cat te iubeam

Nu reusesc sa ma desprind
E un univers care vrea sa ma sting
Ma prinde teama si incep sa te strïg

DJ Project geat. Giulia - Prima noapte

Laulaa mitä kallistuksen sanoa...unohtaa mitä kallistuksen pelata...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Iun 30, 2008 6:30 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
3rei Sud Est - Nu mai vreau sa te cred
Te uiti atent la mine si crezi ca o sa ma pierd
Dar tu stii prea bine ca nu pot sa te iert
Ti-ai batut joc de mine, crezi ca sunt un prost
Ai mult venin in tine, nu mai are nici un rost
Te plimbai intr-o limuzina, erai cu un alt barbat
Te strangea in brate tipul, te saruta neincetat
Iar acum vii sa-mi faci morala,
Sa-mi spui ca te-am inselat cu o alta fata
Nici gand, ha, ha, e ciudat.
Vrei iar sa te strecori in sufletul meu ranit
Dar de data asta nu ai reusit.

Nu mai vreau sa te cred
Nu mai vreau sa te iert
Nu mai vreau sa astept
Nu mai vreau.

Te vad seara de seara plimbandu-te prin oras
Esti cu altul si de ce pe mine in pace nu ma lasi
In barul din cartier cand am aparut cu o alta fata
Te-ai uitat urat la mine, mi-ai aratat ca esti geloasa
Suna telefonul, ridic receptorul
Si-mi spui cu voce moale: 'Vreau sa-ti cer iertare'.
Nu, nu te mai vreau acum
Te rog asculta-ma ce-ti spun
Totul s-a terminat atunci cand m-ai tradat


Cu totii suferim atunci cand ne despartim
Pentru ce, pentru ce atata chin.


3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Iul 01, 2008 10:39 pm 
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Membru din: Sâm Feb 10, 2007 5:44 pm
Mesaje: 1928
Localitate: Oradea
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
3rei Sud Est - Alături de îngeri

Te rog nu mai plânge,
Cred că-mi ajunge
Şi simt cum durerea mea zboară spre nori
Primesc de la tine
Doar lacrimi senine
Le şterg cu aceeaşi durere ce-o porţi.
Te rog nu mai plânge
Gândeşte-te bine
În ceruri pe tine te voi aştepta
Cu o floare albastră
Să-ţi amintească
De clipele în care ne-am sărutat.

Când vei suferi
Cu tine voi fi
Şi lacrimi îţi voi trimite de sus
Eşti tot ce-am iubit
Şi ce voi iubi
Alături de îngeri

Nu am nimic în afară de tine
Eşti tot ce în urmă eu mai pot lăsa
Tu pe pământ eşti îngerul meu
De-acum doar în ceruri mai poţi fi a mea

Te rog să zâmbeşti
Şi să-ţi aminteşti
Că fluturii trăiesc doar o zi pe pământ
De-a pururi iubită
Mereu fericită
De-acum să te văd din cer eu aş vrea.
Te rog să zâmbeşti
Cu mine în suflet
Tristeţea alung-o din inima ta
Trăim în iubire
Plecăm în lumină
Să fim printre stele-mpreună aş vrea.

Când vei suferi
Cu tine voi fi
Şi lacrimi îţi voi trimite de sus
Eşti tot ce-am iubit
Şi ce voi iubi
Alături de îngeri

Simt că nu te voi uita
Am în gând privirea ta
Simt că nu te voi uita
Am în gând privirea ta
Simt că nu te voi uita
Am în gând privirea ta
Simt că nu te voi uita
Am în gând privirea ta. :cry:

Laulaa mitä kallistuksen sanoa...unohtaa mitä kallistuksen pelata...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Vin Sep 05, 2008 11:45 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
As much as I love you
As much as I need you
And I cant stand you
Must everything you do make me wanna smile
Can I not like you for awhile? (No....)

You wont let me
You upset me girl
And then you kiss my lips
All of a sudden I forgive (that I was upset)
Can't remember what you did

But I hate...
You know exactly what to do
So that I cant stay mad at you
For too long thats wrong

But I hate...
You know exactly how to touch
So that I dont want to fuss.. and fight no more
Said I despise that i adore you

And i hate how much i love you boy (yeah...)
I cant stand how much I need you (I need you...)
And I hate how much I love you boy (oooh whoa..)
But I just cant let you go
And I hate that I love you so (oooh..)

You completely know the power that you have
The only one makes me laugh

Said its not fair
How you take advantage of the fact
That I..will be under reason why
And it just aint right

And I hate how much I love you girl
I cant stand how much I need you (yeah..)
And I hate how much I love you girl
But I just cant let you go
But I hate that I love you so

One of these days maybe your magic wont affect me
And your kiss wont make me weak
But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
So you'll probably always have a spell on me...

Yeaahhh... Oohh...

As much i love you (as much as I need you)
As much as I need you (oooh..)
As much I love you (oh..)
As much as I need you

And I hate that i love you soooo
And I hate how much ï love you boy
I cant stand how much I need ya (cant stand how much I need you)
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just cant let you go (but I just cant let you go no..)
And I hate that I love you so

And I hate that I love you so.. soo.....

Rihanna ft Ne-yo *Hate that I love u

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Sâm Sep 06, 2008 12:16 pm 
Music Expert
Music Expert
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Membru din: Sâm Feb 10, 2007 5:44 pm
Mesaje: 1928
Localitate: Oradea
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Standing in the rain
Calling at your name
Life is not the same
Without you

Stars are brightly shinning in the sky
Friends are sitting quiet side by side
Lovers walking hand in hand together
Here we are alone and out of time

Standing in the rain
Calling at your name
Life is not the same
Without you

Is it love that keeps us all alive?
Do we search for soulmates all our life?
Can we ask the sun to shine forever?
Does it have to be all black and white?

Standing in the rain
Calling at your name
Life is not the same
Wïthout you

Marius feat. Giulia - Rain

Laulaa mitä kallistuksen sanoa...unohtaa mitä kallistuksen pelata...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Sep 07, 2008 10:54 pm 
Începător 3se
Începător 3se
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - Gotta go on my own way

I gotta say what's on my mind
Something about us
Doesn't seem right, this days
Life keeps getting in the way
Whenever we try somehow the plan
Is always rearranged
It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok...

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday,
But, at least for now
I gotta go on my own way.

Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
And I watch them fall everytime
Another colour turns to grey
And it's just too hard to watch it all
Slowly fade away
I'm leaving today
'Cause I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok...

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday,
But, at least for now
I gotta go on my own way.

What about us ?
What about everything we've been trought ?

What about trust ?
You now I never wanted to hurt you
And what about me ?
What am I supposed to do ?
I gotta leave but I'll miss you
I'll miss you
I've got to move on and be who I am

Why do you have to go ?
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand
We might find our place in this world someday,
But, at least for now

I want you to stay
I gotta go on my own way
I've got to move on and be who I am

What about us ?
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand
We might find our place in this world someday,
But, at least for now
I gotta go on my own way

I gotta go on my own way
I gotta go on my own way
I gotta go on my own way



"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

Ultima oară modificat de 3SE_LariSa_3SE pe Dum Mar 01, 2009 8:23 pm, modificat 1 dată în total.

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Sep 14, 2008 12:52 am 
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Membru din: Sâm Noi 06, 2004 4:14 pm
Mesaje: 469
Localitate: bacau
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
A turning tide

Lovers at a great divide

why d'you lie

When I know that you hurt inside?

And why'd you say

It's just another day, nothing in my way

I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay

So there's nothing left to say?

And why'd you lie

When you wanna die, when you hurt inside

Don't know what you lie for anyway

Now there's nothing left to say

A tell-tale sign

You don't know where to draw the line

And why'd you say

It's just another day, nothing in my way

I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay

So there's nothing left to say

And why'd you lie

When you wanna die, when you hurt inside

Don't know what you lie for anyway

Now there's nothing left to say

Well for a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time

For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time

For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time

You're having such a nice time

For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time

For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time

For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time

You're having such a nice time

Keane-nothing in my way


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Sep 15, 2008 8:12 am 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Today, today I bet my life
You have no idea
What I feel inside
Don't, be afraid to let it show
For you never know
If you let it out
I love you, you love me
Take this gift and don't ask why
Cause if you, will let me
I'll take what scares you and hold it deep inside
And if you, ask me why,
I'm with you and why I'll never leave
Love will show you everything
One day,
when youth is just a memory
I know,
You'll be standing right next to me
I love you, you love me
Take this gift and don't ask why
Cause if you, will let me
I'll take what scares you and hold it deep inside
And if you, ask me why
I'm with you and why I'll never leave
My love will show you everything
My love will show you everything, thing,
My love will show you, everything
Our love will show us everythïng

Jennifer Love Hewitt-Love will show you everything

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Sep 18, 2008 10:01 pm 
Începător 3se
Începător 3se
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - Everyday

Once in a lifetime,
Means there's no second chance
So, I believe that you and me
Should grab it while we can

Make it last forever
And never give it back

It's our turn and I'm lovin'
Where we're at

Because this moment's really all we have
Our lifes

Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight

Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith

From right now,
Gonna use our voices
Scream out loud

Take my hand,
Together we, will celebrate
Oh, everyday.
They say that you should follow
And chase down what you dream
But if you get lost,
And lose yourself

What does it really mean?
No matter where we're going
Oh, yeah it starts from where we are.
There's more to life
When we listen
To our hearts
And because of you,
I've got the strength to start
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Everyday, our lifes
Wanna find you there,
Wanna hold on tight
Gonna run,
While we're young
And keep the faith.

From right now,
Gonna use our voices
Scream out loud
Take my hand,
Together we, will celebrate

Oh, everyday
We're takeing it back,
We're doing it here together !

It's better like that,
And stronger now,
Than ever !

We're not gonna lose,
Cause we get to choose.
That's how it's gonna be !

Our lifes

Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight

Gonna run
While we're young

And keep the faith
Keep the faith !

Our lifes,
Wanna find you there
Wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith

Everyday,( Everyday )
From right now,( right now )
Gonna use our voices
Scream out loud

Take my hand,( take my hand )
Together we,
Will celebrate,

Everyday !
Live evryday!

Oh, everyday !
Love everyday !
Oh, everyday !
Live everyday !
Na, na, everyday
Love everyday !
Uh, yeah, yeah
I say everyday !
Everyday, everyday
Everyday, everyday
Everyday, everyday
Everyday !
Everyday !
Everyday !


*Troy & Gabriella


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Sâm Sep 20, 2008 7:57 pm 
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Membru din: Sâm Noi 06, 2004 4:14 pm
Mesaje: 469
Localitate: bacau
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
And the hardest part was letting go, not taking part
It was the hardest part
And the strangest thing was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start

I could feel it go down
Bittersweet I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining the clouds
Oh, and i, I wish that I could work it out

And the hardest part was letting go, not taking part
You really broke my heart, oh
And I tried to sing but I couldn’t think of anything
And that was the hardest part
Oh, oh

I could feel it go down
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth
The silver lining the clouds
Oh, and i, I wonder what it’s all about
I wonder what it’s all about

Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do, it just comes undone
And everything ïs torn apart
Oh, and that’s the hardest part
That’s the hardest part
Yeah, that’s the hardest part
That’s the hardest part

Coldplay-the hardest part


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Oct 12, 2008 10:40 pm 
Addicted to Music
Addicted to Music
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Membru din: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 3:27 pm
Mesaje: 2792
Localitate: Trimmelkam (St. Pantaleon), Austria Superioara
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
E viata ta

O sa ajungi candva sa fii doar tu pe drumul tau
Si-o sa faci atunci ce-ai facut mereu
Deci, ai grija, ca viata nu iarta si nici nu se uita inapoi
Caci ce-ai facut azi, maine raman amintiri, vanturi si ploi.
E doar o viata, si e a ta si vreau sa mai stii ceva
Ti-o traiesti cum vrei si faci ce vrei cu ea
Dar fa cum faci, si ai grija sa scapi de draci
Sau mai bine tine-ti gura si taci.
Am respect, pentru ce-i care stiu ce e ala respect
Si am si pentru aia care prefera s-o zica direct
E viata mea si incerc s- o fac cum am visat candva s-o am
Printr-o lume de c****i, incerc sa-mi castig existenta, s-am si eu un ban
Visele trec, zilele trec, dar eu sunt roman si nu ma schimb
Am o gura si stiu s-o folosesc, si ca-s roman eu la toti zic
Tre' sa fiu mandru de tara mea, de semenii mei, ca pan' la urma toti suntem frati
Si ar trebui sa fim uniti, insa doar ar trebui, ca tot ramanem destramati.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Oct 13, 2008 8:26 am 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give

I a lie
Rise up into the sky
So you don’t have to fight
And make it wanna be alright

You give me strength to carry on
You’re a sholder to lead on all night
I’ll do anything for you to make your dreams come true
I can’t live without you

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

Go away
Why is
I dream of you very night
I’m gonna make you feel alright
I’d do anything i do to make it all come true
Wait, I can’t live without you

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

Right on
Aye, ohh, ohh
Can’t you see?

Give it up
Give it up
Aye, Ohh

I say, go on
We got
Freedom, freedom I get freedom
Freedom, freedom
Freedom to looooooooooooove yeah, yeah

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

Lexter-Freedom to love(mel preferata a prietenului meu:X)

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Oct 13, 2008 9:55 am 
Music Expert
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Membru din: Lun Oct 16, 2006 5:58 am
Mesaje: 2072
Localitate: Vancouver, Canada
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
My love, we have seen it all
The Endless confession,The rise and fall
As fragile as a child
Lately I'm sorry I can't hold a smile

But I stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Did you know I take the time for you
Did you know that I would see you through
Did you know that I would play the part
I must've made it clear right from the start

My love, can you give me strength
Somehow I forgot how to ease my pain
I know I'm right where I belong
Something from nothing never proved me wrong

But I stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Did you know I take the time for you

Did you know that I would see you through
Did you know that I would play the part
I must've made it clear right from the start

I would shade my whole life with you
Would you do the same for me
I would give all I am to you
Would you do the same for me

And I will stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Could you see I've been brave
Did you notice all my mistakes
There were times I could feel you read my mind

Did you know I take the time for you
Did you know that I would see you through
Did you know that I would play the part
I know I made it clear right from the start.

Celine Dion - My love

what goes around comes around... what goes up, must come down...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Oct 15, 2008 4:02 pm 
Addicted to Music
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Membru din: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 3:27 pm
Mesaje: 2792
Localitate: Trimmelkam (St. Pantaleon), Austria Superioara
Puncte de reputaţie: 0

You are my girl and I am your boy
I am ready to be your toy
You have my body, cand you kiss my lips
Come on, I want to feel something of this.

I can feel that I am under your command
I can feel how you touch my hand
I can feel everything and even your love
I wanna tell this to the world.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Oct 16, 2008 12:54 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Am luat tot ce aveam
Durere si lacrimi
Varsate-n doi
Cum sa te tin ?
M-am dus sa le ingrop departe de noi ...
Ma doare de mor
Doar timpul mai poate face ceva
Si nu cred sa pot
Sa spun te iubesc , altcuiva
Esti inca aici
Te caut in pat atunci cand dorm
Te simt cum m-atingi
Te aud ca prin vis
Cum spui somn usor
Nu vreau sa te sun
Mi-e frica sa-mi spui
Ca s-a terminat
Iar sufletul , te roaga mereu
Sa nu-l fi uitat
Cine va spune zi de zi
Ca ne-a fost scris
Ca impreuna vom fi
Cine va fi langa tine-n zori
Daca ai sa uiti cum e sa m-adori
Cine va spune zi de zi
Ca ne-a fost scris
Ca impreuna vom fi
Cine va fi langa tine-n zori
Daca ai sa uiti cum e sa m-adori
Am luat tot ce aveam
Durere si lacrimi
Varsate-n doi
Cum sa te tin ?
M-am dus sa le ingrop departe de noi ...
Ma doare de mor
Doar timpul mai poate face ceva
Si nu cred sa pot
Sa spun te iubesc , altcuiva...
Fara tine ma sting...
Ma hranesc doar
Cu nopti din trecut
Stelele plang in urma ta
Cum as putea sa uit ?
Cerul e trist
Toate vorbesc numai de noi
Iar mie mi-e dor
De aceiasi ochi
Atat , atat de goï...

DJ Project-departe de noi :cry: :(

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Oct 28, 2008 7:07 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
E prea devreme sau e prea tarziu ?
Vremea a trecut si prea putine stiu,
Enigma mea.
Sunt ca un vapor pierdut in larg.
Mi-e teama ca n-ajung , niciodata la mal.

De ce vrei sa ma vezi ratacind printre stazi,
Ca un vagabond?
De ce vrei sa imi iei visele si sa pleci,
Chiar nu-ti pasa deloc ?
Sunt doar un om , un visator ,sunt doar un om,
ooo,ce te iubeste enorm.

Ca strigi in zadar vreodata ai simtit?
Te scuturi de praf si-ncepi sa te ridici.
Vrei doar sa mergi.
Nimic din ce-a fost nu va mai fi
Prezentul e trecut , presarat cu amintiri.

De ce vrei sa ma vezi ratacind printre stazi,
Ca un vagabond?
De ce vrei sa imi iei visele si sa pleci,
Chiar nu-ti pasa deloc ?
Sunt doar un om , un visator ,sunt doar un om,
ooo,ce te ïubeste enorm.

Laurentiu Duta-"Visator"

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Oct 29, 2008 4:05 pm 
Addicted to Music
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Membru din: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 3:27 pm
Mesaje: 2792
Localitate: Trimmelkam (St. Pantaleon), Austria Superioara
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
2Pac ft Elton John - Ghetto Gospel

Hit them with a lil' ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John:]
Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

If I could recelect before my hood dayz
I'd sit and reminisce, nigga and bliss on the good dayz
I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to'em
They tested, it was stressed that they under
In our days, things changed
Everyone's ashamed to the youth cuz the truth looks strange
And for me it's reversed, we left them a world that's cursed, and it hurts
cause any day they'll push the button
and yall condemned like Malcolm x and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin
Don't them let me get teary, the world looks dreary
but when you wipe your eyes, see it clearly
there's no need for you to fear me
if you take the time to hear me, maybe you can learn to cheer me
it aint about black or white, cuz we're human
I hope we see the light before its ruined
my ghetto gospel

Tell me do you see that old lady aint it sad
Living out a bag, but she's glad for the little things she has
And over there there's a lady, crack got her crazy
Guess she's given birth to a baby
I don't trip and let it fade me, from outta the frying pan
We jump into another form of slavery
Even now I keep discouraged
Wonder if they take it all back while I still keep the courage
I refuse to be a role model
I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle
I make mistakes, I learn from everyone
And when its said and done
I bet this Brotha be a better one
If I'm upset, you don't stress
Never forget, that God hasn't finished with me yet
I feel his hand on my brain
When I write rhymes, I go blind, and let the lord do his thang
But am I less holy
Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies
Before we find world peace
We gotta find peace in that war on the streets
My ghetto gospel

Lord can you hear me speak!!
To pay the price of being hell bound...


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Noi 02, 2008 6:42 pm 
Începător 3se
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - You are the music in me

Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, yeah
You are the music in me
You know the words
''Once upon a time''
Make you listen ?
There's a reason.
When you dream
There's a chance you'll find
A little laughter or happy ever after
You're harmony to melody
It's echoing inside my head
A single voice, single voice
Above the noise
And like a common thread
Hmm, you're pulling me

When I hear my fovorite song,
I know that we belong
Oh, you are the music in me
Yeah, it's living in universe
And it's brought us here because
Because you are the music in me

Na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Na, na, na, na
You are the music in me

It's like I knew you before we met,
Before we met
Can explain it
Ohh, ohh
There's no name,
No name for it
I'm saying words I never said
And it was easy,
So easy
Because you see the real me,
I see
As I am, you understand
And that's more than I ever know
To hear your voice,
Hear your voice
Above the noise
Ohh, ohh
And now I'm not alone
Oh, you're singing to me
Ohh, yeah

When I hear my fovorite song,
I know that we belong
Yeah, ohh
You are the music in me
Yeah, it's living in universe
And it's brought us here because
Because you are the music in me

Together we're gonna sing,
We've got the power to sing what we feel,
What we feel
Connected and real,
Can't keep it all inside,
Na, na, na, na
Ohh, yeah
Na, na, na, na
Ohh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Na, na, na, na
You are the music in me,
Na, na, na, na
Ohh, yeah
Na, na, na, na
Ohh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Na, na, na, na
You are the music in me,

When I hear my fovorite song,
Favorite song
I know that we belong,
We belong
You are the music in me
Yeah, it's living in universe
And it's brought us here because,
Here because you are the music in me

Na, na, na, na
Ohh, yeah
Na, na, na, na
Ohh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Na, na, na, na
You are the music in me.


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Noi 03, 2008 4:48 pm 
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Membru din: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 3:27 pm
Mesaje: 2792
Localitate: Trimmelkam (St. Pantaleon), Austria Superioara
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Vise (autor: Alexandru)

Ar fi prea fain sa te intorci inapoi
Sa vii langa mine, sa fim doar noi
Vise, totul s-a terminat acum
Si viata mea o ia pe-alt drum.

M-ai lasat singur, fiindca eu am gresit
Nici macar n-am apucat sa-ti spun ce simt
Si ai plecat, ca si cum nimic n-ar fi existat
N-am apucat sa-ti spun ce s-a intamplat.

Recunosc acum ca a fost greseala mea
Ai plecat, mi-ai luat tot, mi-ai luat dragostea
As fi vrut sa pot sa-ti explic ca sa intelegi
Dar ai plecat si vad acum ca nu te mai intorci.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Noi 09, 2008 10:07 am 
Music Expert
Music Expert

Membru din: Lun Oct 16, 2006 5:58 am
Mesaje: 2072
Localitate: Vancouver, Canada
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
^^ Ce dragutz... Bravo Alex!

Virgil Carianopol - Din viata

Mi-a batut în poarta Fericirea
Si intrând în curte m-a strigat.
Eram dus alaturi cu iubirea.
A-nchis poarta iute si-a plecat.

Mi-a batut de-asemeni Bucuria.
A intrat, a stat sub pomii goi.
N-a vazut pe nimeni sa-i vorbeasca
Si-a plecat grabita înapoi.

Într-o seara, luminând pe strada,
Mi-a batut si Steaua mea — de sus
Tot asa, eram plecat aproape,
Si-a strâns fusta-n mâna si s-a dus.

Mi-a batut în poarta si Necazul.
Eram dus departe. Linistit,
S-a întins pe tolul de la usa
Si m-a asteptat pâna-am venit.

what goes around comes around... what goes up, must come down...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Noi 16, 2008 10:25 am 
Music Expert
Music Expert

Membru din: Lun Oct 16, 2006 5:58 am
Mesaje: 2072
Localitate: Vancouver, Canada
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
I surrender
by Celine Dion

There's so much life I've left to live
And this fire's burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will
To stand for every dream
And forsake the solid ground
And give up this fear within
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I'm in love with you

'cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it to
We�d make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

I know I can't survive
Another night away from you
You're the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth
Right now, there's no better time
From this fear I will break free
And I'll live again with love
And no the they can't take that away from me
And they will see...

'cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We�d make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

Every night's getting longer
And this fire is getting stronger, babe
I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive
Did you hear my call
I surrender all

'cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

Right here, right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything I surrender all to you

Right here, right now
I give my life to live again
I break free, take me
My everything I surrender all to you

P.S.: Melodia asta e de pe noul album 2008, nu are videoclip inca si am auzit-o de vreo cateva zile, ma surprinde din ce in ce mai mult. E superba! :-P

what goes around comes around... what goes up, must come down...

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