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 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Mar 30, 2009 7:52 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Iun 20, 2007 10:24 pm
Mesaje: 1894
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LaFee-Angst (frica)

Alleine mit mir, tausend Fragen im kopf.
Jede Nacht zieht unendlich vorbei.
Was such ich für mich, ich finde es nicht.
Was bin ich und wer will ich sein?

Wann geht denn endlich meine Sonne auf?
Ich lauf und lauf und lauf…

Angst, ich hab Angst
Auf diesen Wegen, die ich geh.
Angst, ich hab Angst
Dass ich mich selbst nicht mehr versteh.
Was will ich wirklich, was ist mein Ziel?
Will ich denn wirklich zuviel?

Ich glaube daran, dass mein Traum richtig ist.
Doch die Schatten sind immer bei mir.
Sie flüstern mir Zweifel tief in mein Herz.
Was tu ich, warum und wofür?

Wann find ich die Antwort, der ich vertrau?
Ich lauf und lauf und lauf…

Angst, ich hab Angst.
Auf diesen Wegen, die ich geh.
Angst, ich hab Angst,
Dass ich mich selbst nicht mehr versteh.
Was will ich wirklich, was ist mein Ziel?
Will ich denn wirklich zuviel?

Wer zeigt mir den Weg?
Was gibt mir Kraft?
Zu wissen, was mich glücklich macht…

Angst, ich hab Angst
Auf diesen Wegen, die ich geh
Angst, ich hab Angst
Dass ich mich selbst nicht mehr versteh
Was will ich wirklich, was ist mein Ziel?
Will ich denn wirklich zuviel?



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Mar 31, 2009 11:03 am 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Nek Feat Play A.J. - Ma Gandesc Numai La Tine

Dedicam pentru toate fetele
care se joaca cu sentimentele
2006 Nek , Shusanu, Mr.Juve .. Play Aj

Am crezut ca vreau mai mult
N-am stiut sa te ascult
Si mor.. de dor...
Parca aud al tau glas
Doar amintirea mi-a ramas
Si mor.. de dor..

R x2 : Iubire ma gandesc numai la tine
Plange sufletul in mine, ma gandesc la noi de tine mi-e dor ... iubire

Si dupa atata timp eu tot ma gandesc la tine
Ma gandesc la noi si cred
Ca vom putea sa trecem peste
Chiar daca nu inteleg
Ce te-a facut sa te schimbi atat de mult ?
Sau poate eu nu stiu sa ascult,
Oricum hai, poarta-te ca un adult !

De ce crezi tot ce auzi fara sa vezi ?
Asculti fara sa probezi
Si uite asa ma tot indepartezi
Cu toate astea esti tot in gandul meu
Nu pot sa stau mereu fara tine
Nu stii cat imi e de greu
Spun ca te-am uitat dar mint
Inca te iubesc si simt
Ca mor …de dor…
Mi-amintesc cum ne iubeam
Ma gandesc mereu si
Am sa mor.. de dor..

R x2 : Iubire ma gandesc numai la tine
Plange sufletul in mine, ma gandesc la noi de tine mi-e dor ... iubire

Ai lasat in pieptul meu un gol imens cand ai plecat
Ce pacat, N-ai inteles ca te iubesc cu-adevarat
Stii bine ca nu ma suporta unii
De ce iubita mea te iei dupa gura lumii?
Sufera cel ce iubeste cel iubit isi bate joc
Spun cu foc ca pt tine a fost un simplu joc
Fara tine viata e din ce in ce mai grea
Dar stiu ca speranta moare ultima !


R x4 : Iubire ma gandesc numai la tine
Plange sufletul in mine, ma gandesc la noi de tine mi-e dor ... iubire

De tïne mď-e dor…

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Vin Apr 10, 2009 10:20 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Iun 20, 2007 10:24 pm
Mesaje: 1894
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
LaFee-Das erste mal :xx :xx :xx

Es ist in dir
willst mehr von mir
Ich liehe hier
und träum von dir
Ja ich liebe dich,
sag liebst du mich
Ich wills noch nicht
kannst du warten
In meinen Träumen
will ich dich verführen
In meinen Träumen
dass du mich berühren
Ich will dich nicht verlieren
doch da ist noch nichts passieren
Bitte sag mir liebs du wirklich
Fürs erste mal,brauch ich noch Zeit
du musst das verstehn
ich gehe noch nicht so weit
Fürs erste Mal,warte auf mich
gib mir noch Zeit
sonst liebst du mich nicht
Willst du auf mich
willst du auf mich
willst du auf mich warten
In meinen Träumen bin ich mit dir ganz alleine
In meinen Träumen bin ich
mit dir nur das Eine
Ich will dich nicht verlieren
doch da ist noch nichts passieren
Bitte sag mir liebs du wirklich
Fürs erste mal,brauch ich noch Zeit
du musst das verstehn
ich gehe noch nicht so weit
Fürs erste Mal,warte auf mich
gib mir noch Zeit
sonst liebst du mich nicht
Ich liebe dich
sag liebst du mich
Ich wills noch nicht
Kannst du warten?
Fürs erste mal,brauch ich noch Zeit
du musst das verstehn
ich gehe noch nicht so weit
Fürs erste Mal,warte auf mich
gib mir noch Zeit
sonst liebst du mich nicht
Fürs erste mal,brauch ich noch Zeit
du musst das verstehn
ich gehe noch nicht so weit
Fürs erste Mal,warte auf mich
gib mir noch Zeit
sonst liebst du mich nicht

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Sâm Apr 11, 2009 11:20 am 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Dl. Problema - Maria

Am auzit c-ai intrebat de mine
Si iata-ma acum langa tine...
'Vine Dl Problema, vine, vine Dl Problema !'

Te misti atat de bine
M-ai lasat fara cuvinte
Nu stiu ce sa fac, m-ai hipnotizat
Simt ca sunt legat de tine
Nu mai pot vedea pe nimeni
Cred ca m-ai schimbat, nu stiu ce sa fac.

Maria, mi-ai ramas in cap (ap)
Sunt obsedat..
Ma faci sa ma simt barbat apt
M-ai fermecat
Sa nu crezi ca te-am uitat (ap)
Te-am remarcat...
Maria, mi-ai ramas in cap (ap)

Spune-mi ce doresti, ce-ti doreste inima
Poate sunt nebun dar merg si pana-n Asia
As intra si-n State daca tu imi ceri asa
Asta nu inseamna ca vreau sa faci si tu ceva
Si iti spun acum ce n-am mai spus la altcineva
Eu nu pot sa te mint cum o faceam candva
Daca vrei sa stii ce e in mintea mea
Eu iti spun chiar acum, este numai Maria.


Arata-mi cum te misti
Ca sa vedem si cat rezisti
Sa stie toata lumea
Melodia mea e tot a ta
Si stii ceva...
Dac-as putea...
As mai face un album
Pe care sa-l cheme 'Maria'.

Toata lumea, mainile sus, sus, mainile sus(x3)
Toata lumea, mainile sus, sus, mainïle jos !

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Apr 12, 2009 12:47 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Costi Ionita feat. Oana - Asa-i viata omului

Viata e si rea si buna
E si soare si furtuna
Asta e lumea
Uita toate grijile
Toate supararile
E mai bine asa

Ca asa-i viata omului
Ca si frunza pomului
Se usuca apoi cade
Nu lasa nimic in spate

Azi e soare maine ii nori
Asa-i viata tuturor
Si o luam de la cap
Atarnam de un fir de ata
Firar’ mama ei de viata
Asa ne-a fost dat

Ca asa-i viata omului
Ca si frunza pomului
Se usuca apoi cade
Nu lasa nimic in spate

Ca asa-i viata omului
Ca si frunza pomului
Se usuca apoi cade
Nu lasa nimic in spate

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Apr 16, 2009 10:36 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Animal X - My Desire

Girl, without your love I feel that I'm afraid
Never let go of my hand
Hold me tight and let us fly together higher...

My desire is to make love with you between the stars
Take me higher, set your body free
Feel my heartbeat and stay with me.

I'm having crazy dreams and feelings of losing you
Why should it be this way?
I'm going insane and hear the storm crying louder...

My desire is to make love with you between the stars
Take me higher, set your body free
Feel my heartbeat and stay with me.

Girl, without your love I feel that I'm afraid
Never, never let go of my hand.

My desire is to make love with you between the stars
Take me higher, set your body free
Feel my heartbeat and stay wïth me.

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Vin Apr 17, 2009 5:45 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Iun 20, 2007 10:24 pm
Mesaje: 1894
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Laurentiu Duta-Impreuna 8-]

Probleme au fost si sunt, in seama nu le lua
Viata nu e roz, e asa cum este ea
Aici e locul unde poti visa
Aici sunt eu mereu in preajma ta

Ne-avem unul pe celalalt, asta conteaza
Mai mult decat orice
Si atunci cand nu am niciun ban, nu ma afecteaza
Caci esti tu langa mine mereu

Impreuna x 5

Invata-ma sa zbor, in brate sa iti cad
Invata-ma sa pierd si apoi sa te am iar
Aici e locul unde poti visa
Aici sunt eu mereu in preajma ta

Ne-avem unul pe celalalt, asta conteaza
Mai mult decat orice
Si atunci cand nu am niciun ban, nu ma afecteaza
Caci esti tu langa mine mereu

Impreuna x 5

Ne-avem unul pe celalalt, asta conteaza
Mai mult decat orice
Si atunci cand nu am niciun ban, nu ma afecteaza
Caci esti tu langa mine mereu,

Impreuna x 5

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Apr 19, 2009 10:40 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - When there was me and you

It's funny when you find yourself
Looking from the outside,
I'm standing here but all I want
Is to be over there...
Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen ?
Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care...

I thought you were my fairytale,
My dream when I'm not sleeping,
A wish upon a star
That's coming true...
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you...

I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing,
And when you smiled
You made me feel
Like I could sing along...
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty,
I'm only left with used-to-be's
And once upon a song...

Now I know you're not a fairytale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star
Just don't come true,
'Cause now even I can tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
Because I liked the view
When there was me and you...

I can't believe that
I could be so blind,
It's like you were floating,
While I was falling
And I didn't mind...

Because I liked the view...
I thought you felt it too...
When there was me and you...

*Iubesc piesa asta si filmul si...tot ce are legatura cu High School Musical... :xx :xx :xx
*Clipul... -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsGF98zQsaI
*Live... -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOKeeqdMQ78


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Apr 21, 2009 12:47 pm 
Addicted to Music
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Membru din: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 3:27 pm
Mesaje: 2792
Localitate: Trimmelkam (St. Pantaleon), Austria Superioara
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Voltaj - Tu
Au fost nopti cand isi dorea sa nu plec de langa ea
Au fost vremuri cand uitam tot ce promiteam
Au fost zile in viata mea cand vroiam altceva
Dar acum stiu ca doar ea e dragostea mea.

Cine poate sa imi dea primavara dupa iarna grea
Cine nu spune niciodata 'Nu'
E atat de simplu, doar tu.

Au fost nopti cand astepta pana-n zori sa vin la ea
Au fost vremuri cand plangea din cauza mea
Au fost zile in viata mea cand vroiam altceva
Dar acum stiu ca doar ea e dragostea mea.


Cine poate sa-mi spuna 'Te iubesc'
Cine poate sa ierte cand gresesc
Cine poate sa fie o viata asa
Cine poate sa-mi dea...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Apr 22, 2009 10:19 am 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Dj Rushen Feat. Danny - I Love You

Look into my eyes you will see love once more,
Dreams I have with you make me feel strong

Fill the blanks, make me stay
Cast away the night around
Feel the love and run with me
Fly away don’t touch the ground

Love me true and set me free
Join your hands and make believe
Send your life into a dream, where
I love you

Forever in my dreams,
Forever in my mind,
Forever in my soul
I love you
I, I love you
I, I love you

Love me true and set me free
Send your life ïnto a dream where
I love you
I, I love you
I, I love you
I, I love you
I, I love you

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Sâm Apr 25, 2009 5:33 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Jesse McCartney - Why don't you kiss her?

We're the best of friends
And we share our secrets,
She knows everything that is on my mind,
Lately somethings changed
As I lie awake in my bed,
A voice here, inside my head,
Softly says...

Why don't you kiss her?
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you let her see
The fellings that you hide,
'Cause she'll never know,
If you never show the way you fell inside...

Oh, I'm so afraid
To make that first move,
Just a touch and we could cross the line,
Everytime she's near,
I wanna never let her go,
Confess to her what my heart knows,
Hold her close...

Why don't you kiss her?
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you let her see
The fellings that you hide,
'Cause she'll never know,
If you never show the way you fell inside...

What would she say?
I wonder would she just turn away,
Or would she promise me that she's here to stay?
It hurts me to wait,
I keep asking myself...

Why don't you kiss her?
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you let her see
The fellings that you hide,
'Cause she'll never know,
If you never show the way you fell inside...

Why don't you kiss her?

*E prima piesa a lui Jesse McCartney pe care am ascultat-o... :xx :xx :xx
Live :xx ... -> [url][http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpIpRjAl_rk/[/url]


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Lun Apr 27, 2009 12:51 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Dec 03, 2007 9:25 pm
Mesaje: 2650
Localitate: Alaturi de ingeri...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
laurentiu duta -impreuna

Probleme au fost si sunt, in seama nu le lua
Viata nu e roz, e asa cum este ea

Aici e locul unde poti visa
Aici sunt eu mereu in preajma ta

Ne-avem unul pe celalalt, asta conteaza
Mai mult decat orice
Si atunci cand nu am niciun ban, nu ma afecteaza
Caci esti tu langa mine mereu

Impreuna x 5

Invata-ma sa zbor, in brate sa iti cad
Invata-ma sa pierd si apoi sa te am iar

Aici e locul unde poti visa
Aici sunt eu mereu in preajma ta

Ne-avem unul pe celalalt, asta conteaza
Mai mult decat orice
Si atunci cand nu am niciun ban, nu ma afecteaza
Caci esti tu langa mine mereu

Impreuna x 5

Ne-avem unul pe celalalt, asta conteaza
Mai mult decat orice
Si atunci cand nu am niciun ban, nu ma afecteaza
Caci esti tu langa mine mereu,
Impreuna x 5

3se are the best!!!
Atunci cand va va fi mai greu,ascultati 3se!!!

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Apr 28, 2009 7:11 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Iun 20, 2007 10:24 pm
Mesaje: 1894
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Laurentiu Duta-Umbra ta

A trecut o noapte
Alta noapte fara sa te am
E iubirea ......

aaa aa...aaa aa...aaa aa aaa aa

Fiecare zi din viata mea e la fel
Cand usa ai inchis-o am stiut ca te pierd
Umbra ta...
ma urmareste mereu

Fiecare zi din viata mea e la fel
Cand usa ai inchis-o am stiut ca te pierd
Umbra ta...
ma urmareste mereu

A trecut o ora
Alta ora fara sa te-ascult
Timpul nu mai zboara
Fara tine s-a oprit in loc

A trecut iubirea
Au trecut si visele de ieri
A ramas lumina
Ce sta aprinsa in sufletul meu

Fiecare zi din viata mea e la fel
Cand usa ai inchis-o am stiut ca te pierd
Umbra ta...
ma urmareste mereu

Fiecare zi din viata mea e la fel
Cand usa ai inchis-o am stiut ca te pierd
Umbra ta...
ma urmareste mereu

aaa aa...aaa aa...aaa aa aaa aa

E usor sa pleci ''dar''
e mai greu sa spui imi pare rau

E usor sa pleci ''dar''
e mai greu sa spui imi pare rau

A trecut o noapte
Alta noapte fara sa te uďt

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Apr 29, 2009 1:12 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
"Residence deejays - Sexy love "

sexy love, sexy love
sexy love , sexy love
your sexy love

Baby look what you started
Look in my eyes
Rainbow after the rain
And then the blue sky
Follow me after midnite
In the club
Baby ď wanna feel
Your sexy love!

Baby look what you started
Look in my eyes
Rainbow after the rain
And then the blue sky
Follow me after midnite
In the club
Baby i wanna feel
Your sexy love!

Baby look what you started
Look in my eyes
Rainbow after the rain
And then the blue sky
Follow me after midnite
In the club
Baby i wanna feel
Your sexy love!

sexy love

sexy love sexy love
sexy love sexy love
your sexy love

Baby look what you started
Look in my eyes
Rainbow after the rain
And then the blue sky
Follow me after midnite
In the club
Baby ď wanna feel
Your sexy love!

Baby look what you started
Look in my eyes
Rainbow after the rain
And then the blue sky
Follow me after midnïte
In the club
Baby ď wanna feel
Your sexy love!

sexy love, sexy love..

sexy love,sexy love
your sexy love , your sexy love

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Apr 29, 2009 1:20 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Emanuel - Nu Te Pot Ierta

Deci....Jur ca nu te pot ierta
Tu...ai crezut ca sunt...un pion pe tabla ta...pe tabla ta de joc
Stiu m-ai vazut naiv si-ai crezut ca poti trisa
Cu vorba nu mai ai ce sa-mi iei
Azi tot ce mi-a ramas e durerea mea
Si ma gandesc...sa fi fost in locul meu nici u nu te-ai putea ierta

Si pun pariu ca ai gandit atunci
Sa ma folosesti si sa ma arunci
M-am ars cu iubirea ta
Scump pe toata viatza mea
Si pun pariu ca ai gandit atunci
Sa ma folosesti si sa ma arunci
M-am ars cu iubirea ta
Jur ca nu te pot ierta

Credeam ca pot sa iubesc cat pt. 2
Te gandeai la tine...eu ma gandeam la noi
Incearca nu mai ai ce sa-mi iei
Azi tot ce mi-a ramas e durerea mea si ma gandesc
Sa fi fost in locul meu nici u nu te-ai putea ierta

Si pun pariu ca ai gandit atunci
Sa ma folosesti si sa ma arunci
M-am ars cu iubirea ta
Scump pe toata viatza mea
Si pun pariu ca ai gandit atunci
Sa ma folosesti si sa ma arunci
M-am ars cu iubirea ta
Jur ca nu te pot ïerta

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Sâm Mai 02, 2009 10:56 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Evanescence & Linkin Park - Wake me up inside / Bring me to life

How can you see into my eyes
Like open doors.
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb.

Without a soul,
My spirits sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find I there and lead,
It... back... home...

Wake me up,
Wake me up inside.
I can't wake up,
Wake me up inside.
Save me,
Call my name and save me from the dark.
Wake me up,
Bid my blood to run,
I can't wake up,
Before I come undone.
Save me,
Save from the nothing I've become.

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me.
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life.

Wake me up,
Wake me up inside.
I can't wake up,
Wake me up inside.
Save me,
Call my name and save me from the dark.
Wake me up,
Bid my blood to run,
I can't wake up,
Before I come undone.
Save me,
Save from the nothing I've become.

Bring me to life.
I've been living a lie,
There's nothing inside.
Bring me to life.

Frozen inside without your touch,
Without your love, darling,
Only you are the life among the dead...

All of sight,
I can't believe I couldn't see,
Kept in the dark,
But you were there in front of me.
I've been sleeping a thousands years it seems,
I've got to open my eyes to everything.

Without a tought,
Without a voice,
Without a soul,
Don't let my die here,
There must be something more.
Bring me to life...

Wake me up,
Wake me up inside.
I can't wake up,
Wake me up inside.
Save me,
Call my name and save me from the dark.
Wake me up,
Bid my blood to run,
I can't wake up,
Before I come undone.
Save me,
Save from the nothing I've become.

Bring me to life.
I've been living a lie,
There's nothing inside.
Bring me to life.

Merita vazut :xx :xx :xx ...parerea mea :) :P -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u718MmV0dg


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Mai 05, 2009 7:34 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Iun 20, 2007 10:24 pm
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Mute Math - Spotlight (Twilight Mix)

(Ahh ahh, ahh ahh)

You got a whole lot left to say now
You knocked all your wind out
You just tried too hard and you froze
I know, I know

What to say, what to say

Just take the fall
You're one of us
The spotlight is on
(Ahh ahh)
Oh the spotlight is on, oh

You know the one thing you're fighting to hold
Will be the one thing you've got to let go
And when you feel the wall cannot be burned
You're gonna die to try what can't be done
Gonna stay stay out but you don't care
Now is there nothing like the inside of you anywhere

Oh just take the fall
You're one of us
The spotlight is on
(Ahh ahh)
Oh the spotlight is on, yeah it's on

Because everyone would rather watch you fall
And we all are, yeah
And we all are, yeah
Just take a fall
You're one of us
The spotlight is on
(Ahh ahh)
Oh the spotlight is on
(Just take the fall)
Now you're one of us
Now you're, now you're, now you're, now you're one of us
Now you're, now you're, now you're one of us
Oh the spotlight is on

(Ahh ahh)

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Mai 07, 2009 8:02 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Paramore - Decode (Twilight soundtrack)

How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind,
I can win your losing fight,
All the time.

Not gonna ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides,
You won't take away my pride,
No, not this time.
Not this time.

How did we get here?
I used to know you so well.
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue,
Just boiling in my blood,
But you think that I can't see.

What kind of man that you are?
If you're a man at all,
Well, I figure this one out,
On my own.

(I'm screaming "I love you so")
On my own...
(My thoughts you can't decode)

How did we get here?
I used to know you so well, yeah.
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools,
Of ourselves.
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools,
Of ourselves.

How did we get here?
I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah.
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know.
I think I know,
I think I know.

There is something I see in you,
It might kill me,
I want it to be true.

Clipul... :xx :xx :xx -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y9110CNCFo


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Mai 13, 2009 2:01 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Marius De La Focsani & Denisa - Tu Nu Ma Iubesti Pe Mine

Tu nu ma iubesti pe mine
te'ai iubit mai mult pe tine
numai anturajul tau te'a facut sa fii om rau
hai alege daca vrei
ori eu ori prietenii tai
Marius de la Focsani
Pentru tine am furat
numai sa n-ajung sarac
credeam ca a doua zi
fara bani m-ai parasi
de rusine as intra
in pamant in fata ta
Inca ma gansesc la cuvintele tale
acum cand am ajuns sa simt pe pielea mea cat doare
tu imi spuneai te gandeai mereu ca nu e bine
eu nu am ascultat cuvintele spuse de tine
aici imi este greu mancarea nu e buna
la dusuri am acces numai o data pe saptamana
lumina soarelui nu o vad pe toata
prin geamul mic din camera vad copii cum se joaca
acum mor
imi vine sa plang de dor cand mi-amintesc
cum ne tineam de mana shi imi spuneai te iubesc
shi tu in bratele mele ma sarutai mai stii
cand ieseam seara de seara afara shi'n fiecare zi
dar azi am observat la tine cand ai venit la mine
mi'am dar seama ceva nu'i bine dupa a ta privire
haide spune ce'ai de spus zi'mi ce s'a intamplat
hai de spune ca ce gandesc eu acum nu'i adevarat
Marius de la Focsani
Am fost candva un singur suflet
shi ce mult ne'am iubit
doua inimi fericite de nedespartit
nu'i de vina sorta nu e vina ta
ca'm ajuns aici e greseala mea(numai a mea)
Lasa deoparte tot cea fost pana acum
lasa tot in spate shi gaseste'ti un la drum
eu o sa plec departe o sa dispar
shi nu privi in spate chiar daca dulcele'i amar
e o situatie grea decisiva pentru viata mea
nu vreau sa fii cu mine fata cand o sa ma ia
nu vreau sa suferi intelege nu e bine
acum sa nu crezi ca eu nu te iubesc pe tine
shi mama ta shi tatal tau cred ca ti'au spus vrodata
sa te feresti de vagabonti shi de viata de strada
sa'ti gasesti un baiat cuminte sa'ti faci casa ta
sa iti faci o familie shi sa traiesti cu ea
dar tu nu ai ascultat shi uite ca te'ai convins
acum nu privesti la mine pentru ca m'au inchis
nu am fost deloc baiat bun nu am ascultat de tine
am stat cu baietii pe strada dar n'a fost bine
Marius de la Focsani
stau shi numar zilele
shi imi sterg lacrimile
calendarul este plin
nu pot la tine sa vin
ma intreb in mintea mea
oare ma vei astepta
stiu ca nu ma poti lasa
shi ca plangi de mïla mea

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Mai 14, 2009 8:18 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - We're all in this together

Together, together, together everyone,
Together, together, come on let's have some fun,
Together, were there for each other every time,
Together together come on let's do this right.

Here and now it's time for celebration,
I finally figured it out (yeah yeah ),
That all our dreams have no limitations,
That's what its all about.

Everyone is special in their own way,
We make each other strong (each other strong),
We're not the same,
We're different in a good way,
Together's where we belong.

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are,
We're all stars,
And we see that.

We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true.

Together, together, together everyone,
Together, together, come on let's have some fun,
Together, were there for each other every time,
Together together come on let's do this right.

We're all here and speaking out with one voice,
We're going to rock the house (rock the house),
The party's on now everybody make some noise,
Come on scream and shout.

We've arrived because we stuck together,
Champions one and all.

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are,
We're all stars
And we see that.

We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come.

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it.

We're all in this toghether
Once we see
Theres a chance
That we have
And we take it.

Wild cats sing along,
Yeah, you really got it goin' on.
Wild cats in the house,
Everybody say it now.

Wild cats everywhere,
Wave your hands up in the air,
That's the way we do it,
Let's get to it
Time to show the world.

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are,
We're all stars
And we see that.

We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come.

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it.

We're all in this together
Once we see
Theres a chance
That we have
And we take it.

Wild cats everywhere,
Wave your hands up in the air,
That's the way we do it
Let's get to it,
Come on everyone!

*Nu are nici o legatura cu starea mea sufleteasca... :)
*Clipul... :xx -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7zzbB17Fvo


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Vin Mai 15, 2009 11:19 am 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
Aisa & Dj. Yaang - Ready To Go (Ady5mc R3mix)

Strofa 1
Something unidentified is in my range
Picking up a warning sign
It's kind of strange
I'm turning up the fader
Closing in my radar
A sudden rush of serotones
Shaking up my bones

No no, I can't say no
I can't let go
There's something in the room
That I can't keep down tonight
There's something beggining
The needle is spinning
Don't know where to turn
I'm inside out
And my heart just burns to feel you now
My pulse is spinning up beyond control


I'm going of the scale
Take a reading boom boom
I'm picking in the red
Take a peek in my room
I'm out of air
I'm almost there
I'm ready to go

Strofa 2:
I'm checking things I play the game
Like a siren sings whispering your name
And I'm picking up a scent I feel your feromones
Entering the danger zones
No one likes to be
No no, I can't say no
I can't let go

There's something in the room
That I can't keep down tonight
I am breaking the code
And I'm feeling the love
Don't know where to turn
I'm inside out
And my heart just bruns to feel you now
My pulse is spinning up beyond control


I'm going of the scale
Take a reading boom boom
I'm picking in the red
Take a peek in my room
I'm out of air
I'm almost there
I'm ready to go


I'm going of the scale
Take a reading boom boom
I'm picking in the red
Take a peek in my room
I'm out of aïr
I'm almost there
I'm ready to go

http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



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MesajScris: Sâm Mai 16, 2009 4:56 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - What time is it?

What time is it?
It's our vacation.
What time is it?
Party time!
That's right, say it loud.
What time is it?
Time of our lives, anticipation.
What time is it?
School's out,
Scream and shout.

Finally summer's here,
Good to be chillin' out,
I'm off the clock,
The pressure's off,
Now my girl's what it's all about.

Ready for some sunshine,
For my heart to take a chance,
I'm here to stay, and I'm moving away,
Ready for a summer romance.

Everybody ready, going crazy, yeah we're out,
Come on and let me hear you say it now,
Right now.

What time is it?
It's our vacation.
What time is it?
Party time!
That's right, say it loud.
What time is it?
Time of our lives, anticipation.
What time is it?
School's out,
Scream and shout.

Play by the rules,
No summer school,
I'm free to shop 'til I drop,
It's an education vacation.
And the party never has to stop.

We've got things to do,
We'll see ya soon,
And we're really gonna miss you all,
Goodbye to you and you,
And you and you.
Bye bye 'til next fall.

Everybody ready, going crazy, yeah we're out,
Come on and let me here it now,
Right now.

What time is it?
It's our vacation.
What time is it?
Party time!
That's right, say it loud.
What time is it?
Time of our lives, anticipation.
What time is it?
School's out,
Scream and shout.

No more waking up at 6 AM,
'Cause now our time is all our own.
Enough already, we're waiting,
Come on, let's go,
Go out of control!


School pride,
Let's show it.
We're champions,
And we know it.
Wildcats, we are the best!
Red, white, and gold.

When it's time to win, we do it,
We're number one, we proved it.
Let's live it up, get the party down,
That's what the summer's all about.

What time is it?
Summertime is finally here.
Let's celebrate.
Wanna hear you loud and clear now.
School's out.
We can sleep as late as we want to...
It's our time!
Now we can do whatever we wanna do.

What time is it?
It's summertime.
We're lovin' it,
Come on and sing it loud now!
What time is it?
It's party time,
Let's go have the time of our lives.

*Abia astept vacanta... \:D/ :xx
*Clipul... :xx :xx :xx ...versiunea a doua... -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU6qDI_DRc4


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mar Mai 19, 2009 8:09 pm 
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Membru din: Lun Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
Mesaje: 1819
Localitate: Searching 4 An Angel
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
"Dario Zack feat Starchild - Funky world"

You're my baby I dont know,
If you love me tell me so
C'mon baby please dont go,
Cause you rock my Funky World!!!

Nobody feels...the way I do for you,
Cause you are the one that takes me to the sun...(to the sun),
Nobody feels...the way I do I do for you cause you are the one....that takes me to the..suuuuun!!!!


http://soundcloud.com/noise-box-deejay ....



 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Mai 20, 2009 2:44 am 
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Membru din: Lun Oct 16, 2006 5:58 am
Mesaje: 2072
Localitate: Vancouver, Canada
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
If Today Was Your Last Day
By Nickelback

my best friend gave me the best advice
he said each day's a gift & not a given right
leave no stone unturned
leave your fears behind
& try to take the path less traveled by
that first step you take is the longest stride

if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
if today was your last day

against the grain should be a way of life
what's worth the price is always worth the fight
every second counts 'cause
there's no second try
so live like you're never livin twice
don't take the free ride in your own life

if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day

if today was your last day
would you make it up by mending a broken heart
you know it's never too late
to shoot for the stars
regardless of who you are
so do whatever it takes
'cause you can't rewind
a moment in this life
let nothing stand in your way
cause the hands of time are never on your side

if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day

what goes around comes around... what goes up, must come down...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Dum Mai 24, 2009 4:57 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
Mesaje: 5875
Localitate: In my world...
Puncte de reputaţie: 0
High School Musical - High School Musical

Here we go!
Come on!
Little louder now!

Lookin' forward from center stage
To Graduation Day,
Time to get the future started.
What we leave, what we take with us
No matter what,
It's something we're a part of.

We learned to fly,
Together side by side,
Side by side.
I just hope the rest of my life
Will feel as good as my...

High School Musical
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever know,
Step into the future.
But hold on to
High School Musical,
Let's celebrate where we come from!
The friends who've been there all along
Just like a High School...High School Musical...

Improvisation without a script
No one's written it,
And now we had the chance to.
But someday we'll be looking back,
Memories we'll have
All the songs that we live through.

The best of times
So why leave them behind?
Why can't the rest of my life
To be like my...

High School Musical, yeah
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever know,
Step into the future.
But hold on to
High School Musical,
Let's celebrate where we come from! Hey
The friends who've been there all along
That's right, that's right.

Now we finnaly realize
Who we are it just took some time
We had to live and to learn to see the truth,
Learn to see the truth.
That nothing's ever impossible,
Into the future we all free-fall,
But forever we'll always have High School.

Time to party now celebrate
'Cause the world's one big stage
Any part you want it can be yours,
Everybody sing yeah!

Can you show us never gonna go?
It's what got us here we know
High School lives on forever more.
High School... High School Musical !

High School Musical
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever know,
Step into the future.
But hold on to
High School Musical,
Let's celebrate where we come from!
The friends who've been there all along
Oh yeah, I wish life could feel like a...

High School Musical
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever know,
Step into the future.
But hold on to
High School Musical,
Let's celebrate where we come from!
All together, makes it better,
Memories that last forever,
I want the rest of my life
To feel just like a...

High... School... Musical... !

*Clipul... :xx -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9RQKLd63zQ


"Să identifici fericirea când se află la picioarele tale, să ai curajul şi hotărârea de a te apleca pentru a o lua în braţe... şi a o păstra. Asta-i inteligenţa inimii. Inteligenţa singură, fără aceea a inimii este doar o simplă logică şi nu e mare lucru de ea." Marc Levy, Şi dacă e adevărat...

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